Uncover Exactly How To...
''Monetize any skill by launching & growing an online coaching business...''
...So you can free yourself from a dead-end career and transform into a 
successful and highly paid coach that generates $5k-$30k/month. 
There are over 100,000 profitable niches available.
Why The 6-Figure Online Coach University Was Created?

I know that feeling...

Knowing that you are meant for more.

That you could achieve anything you want if you had that chance.

Knowing that you have the skills and passion to do something else.

But still...

Finding yourself in the same place you’ve been for years.

Wondering how that's possible…

And seeing the time pass by without even realizing it.

You know...

A few short years ago I was exactly where you may be right now...

…Trapped in a draining job, underappreciated, and undervalued.

I was in a high-stress position where the stakes were incredibly high, but the rewards?

Close to nil.

I was constantly worn out, hardly seeing my family, and every day I would ask myself…

…"Is this all there is to life?"

The overwhelming feeling was like carrying a mountain on my back Every.Single.Day.

And then came the tipping point…

When I looked at myself in the mirror and barely recognized the person staring back.

I realized that if I didn't make a drastic change…

I'd be sacrificing not just my happiness...but my health, my relationships, and my entire life.

I couldn't let that happen…

That was my “breakthrough” moment.

Realizing that my life was slipping away through my fingers…

Just to work 80 hours a week for other people’s dreams…

…While leaving mine aside.

The only part of my life I controlled was the weekends…

…Or at least some of them.

But the rest of the week?

I was just another piece of gear…

Another employee being told when to work, where from and with whom.

That moment when I looked at myself in the mirror…

I knew that if I didn't want to look back one day and regret all the things I wanted to do but never did…

If I didn't want to realize that I settled for less than my dreams and goals…

For way less than everything that I could have achieved…

That moment, I just knew that if I didn’t do something…

That future day when I would look back would come.

And that I would regret not having listened to that little voice in the back of my head...

That little voice that was screaming, just hoping to be heard...

And that was telling me that I deserved more in life than what I was achieving then.

That voice that the older I got, the louder it got…

...but also the less time I had to listen to it.

And all just because of my fears…

For being afraid of putting myself out there…

Afraid of what other people would think…

And afraid of feeling uncomfortable.

That was the moment when I made a decision…

And I went on a quest…

…Not just to make money but to reclaim my life.

I had to pull myself out of the quicksand and find solid ground.

And let me tell you… the journey was not easy.

I had my share of failures, setbacks, and moments of soul-crushing doubt.

But every time I fell… I picked myself back up.

I took the failures as lessons… and the setbacks as opportunities.

And after months of blood, sweat, and yes, a lot of tears…

I did something that I had never done before…

I went to get the money that I didn’t have…

And I made my first High Ticket Investment into a $10,000 program.

My family doubted me...

My colleagues thought I was crazy...

My friends looked at me skeptically...

And none believed in me.

It took me ONE month to make the investment back.

Fast forward to taday...

  • I turned my skills and my passion into a lucrative coaching business that allows me to live life on my own terms.
  • I’ve invested over $125,000 in self-development, applying every bit of knowledge directly to benefit my clients.
  • ​I’ve helped dozens of other people do the same - Pivoting from a 9-5 job to a six-figure coaching career.
  • My clients have helped dozens of others with their coaching programs impacting hundreds of other people’s lives
  • They earn more than most doctors, lawyers, and engineers and all from their coaching programs.
  • And more importantly... they are able to help their families the way they want to and do what they said they would do - Give them a better life.

It's extraordinary what an ordinary person can achieve if committed to it...

Now...many people struggle yet to pay thousands of dollars to join my coaching program to work closer together.

And that got me thinking...

  • "How can I help more people...?"
  • ​"How can I create something so ridiculously affordable that becomes a no-brainer for someone to do it...?"
  • ​"How can I create a model that incentivizes people to do the work even if they have NO time...?"
  • ​"A model that provides access to hundreds of thousands of investments in knowledge that I made myself?"

That's how from my 'Six Figure Online Coach Program'…

...The 6-Figure Online Coach University was Born.

So if you're aching for a similar transformation, if you're at the point where enough is enough…

I get it. I've been there. And I can tell you firsthand, not as a business owner and coach...

But as someone who has lived through the grind and emerged from it…

That there is ANOTHER way.

A way that's been tested for years.

A way I wish I had when I started.

A way that doesn't just work for me.

But that it's worked for hundreds of others who dared to dream.

Just like you.

So in honour of all of those whom I helped chain-free...

And live a more fulfilling life on their own terms…

And for all those who are looking for a way of achieving the same... 

But cannot yet afford to spend thousands of dollars upfront in mentorship…

I started The 6-FIGURE ONLINE COACH UNIVERSITY to help all those who are…

HUNGRY for change…

HUNGRY for a lifestyle upgrade…

HUNGRY for the ability to help those they love…

And HUNGRY to live their only life as they deserve to.

Because that's what the 6-Figure Online Coach University is all about...

“Creating a life worth living by monetizing the skills you already have while coaching others and elevating their lives.”

I am now on a mission to help break free 1,000 people
so that they too can break generational poverty
in their family as well.

How Is 6-Figure Online Coach University Different?
In the coaching world today…
There seems to be an overwhelming importance and value put on “selling any service” and “setting unrealistic goals”...
But absolutely no importance or value is placed on the ability to create solid foundations aligned with your skills and turn them into a Viral Offer that together with a whole strategy will make prospects knock on your door to seek your services...
Now, you might be thinking…

"Alright Federico, you've been through the grind and came out the other side….

…You’ve created this “University”, great.

But what makes it so special?

…What sets yours apart?"

I’m glad you asked.

Because it utilizes a model for success that’s unlike anything you’ve encountered in the coaching world.

This isn't your generic, cookie-cutter advice about setting up a website...

Pre-recording a program...

And doing endless challenges to maybe get some prospects...

While you are hoping for the best.

Far from it.

In the 'Six Figure Online Coach University...

You’ll have all the resources to delve deep into the core of your unique skills, experiences, and passions...

To identify what we call your "Success DNA.”

It's a one-of-a-kind blueprint that reveals how you can create maximum impact and income...

By doing what you naturally excel at and love doing.

It's like having a personalized GPS for success, calibrated to your specific strengths and goals.

What's even more revolutionary about this approach…

Is that it shaves off months, sometimes years, of the traditional trial and error that so many coaches go through

So you can implement a step-by-step process with real actionable strategies...

That brings you high-paying clients and gives you the freedom to live life on your own terms.

But not only that…It allows you to be surrounded by like-minded people just like you.

Other 6 and 7-figure coaches that contribute to the Community helping one another.

I promise you…this isn’t the kind of stuff you can find on a Google search...

In some outdated eBook or just by subscribing to a YouTube Channel.

This is a well-thought-out strategy backed by years of research and real-world success stories.

“So if you're excited by the idea of cutting through the bull and fast-tracking your journey to becoming a highly-paid, highly-respected coach…Keep reading

Who Is This For?
We Are ONLY Looking For 3 TYPES Of Individuals
1 - Want To Escape The 9-5 Trap
People who are hungry for more in life and want to transition into a life that rewards them financially and emotionally by launching & growing an Online Coaching Business.
2 - Want To Monetize Their Skills
People who want to build a six-figure Online Coaching Business that offers both, money and freedom.
3 - Coaches Making Less Than $15k/month In Revenue
Experienced Coaches stuck at a certain revenue level unable to break their income ceiling regardless of how hard they try it.
Who Is This NOT For?
We Are NOT Looking For And Will Turn Away
1 - Drifters
People who don’t know what they want, are indecisive, And aren’t married to their goals, just flirting with them.
2 - Tyre-Kickers Or Dabblers
Half-serious individuals who show no commitment or intention to follow through with the content and don't contribute to the Community.
3 - Know-It-Alls
People who are not willing to learn, talk more than they listen, And have little to no results to back their huge egos.
What Is The 6-Figure Online Coach University?

A University that...

  •  That gives free value and is affordable for everyone...
  • ​Provides a proven step-by-step process that will take you from an employee to an employer.
  • ​Gives you a whole bullet-proof and tested strategy that will allow you to FIRE your Boss.
  • ​​​Allows you to progress even if you have NO time...

“Doing the right thing at the wrong time...is still the wrong thing to do...And if you do the right thing at the right time, BUT you do it wrong, you still won't make it ”

What You're Going To Find Inside The
6-Figure Online Coach University...

How to stop wasting your life in a dead-end job and skip the trial and error, thus turning that frustration into a thriving coaching business that rakes in a 
comfortable six-figure salary. But not only that, you will also discover...

  • How YOU can become a trusted expert in your niche and earn anywhere between $5k to $30k extra per month…without working back-breaking
    18-hour days.
  • How to attract clients that literally beg you to coach them… This is the difference between struggling and thriving.
  • The BEST viral marketing strategies for exploding your client base (and income)… we’ve tested paid ads, challenges & organic methods and we
    are ready to show you which traffic source you need.
  • The ultimate lead gen strategies that INCREASES sales by 20%...30%…or even 50%. This is how you make prospects EXCITED to become a 5-figure client.
About Federico JT
I know how it feels, because I've been there.

Your alarm goes off at the crack of dawn. You roll out of bed, already dreading another long day at a job that drains you. You've got skills, you've got ambition, but what you don't have is appreciation—or the paycheck to match.

I tried it all, failing over and over again. I created my website, my funnel, and ran paid ads to the funnel. I did email marketing, endless challenges for days, pre-recorded my online program in advance, and even tried the classic organic marketing.

All I got back was frustration and zero dollars in my bank account. But after 3 years in the game, I can say I've cracked the code and distilled the whole process down to a science
Yeah, I've seen it too...
Ever felt like some coaching courses are made by people who've never coached a day in their lives? Yeah, I've seen them too— hacks peddling theoretical nonsense without any real-world experience. 

That's NOT what you get with the Six Figure Online Coach University. I’ve not only built a successful six-figure coaching business from the ground up but I’ve also guided countless others to do the same.

Why learn from amateurs when you can learn from a seasoned pro? I deliver street-smart, tested strategies that come from real coaching experiences, not hypothetical guesswork.

It's a fast-track to financial freedom and professional mastery. 
We Are NOT DONE Yet. Because Inside The 6-Figure Online Coach University...

I’ve distilled it all into a straightforward, step-by-step system to get you from A to B in the SHORTEST time possible and you will also...

  • Discover your Niche & ​Craft your VIRAL offer. Remember, there are over 100,000 profitable niches.
  • Identify the lowest hanging fruit & Engage your audience in a profitable and profound way...Even if you think you have no audience!
  • Get your first paying client. Discover how you can make somewhere from $1-5k in less than a blink.
  • Grow your coaching business to $30k/month...and beyond!
  • Leverage our network to get started...Connect & spend time with other 6 and 7 Figure like-minded entrepreneurs!
  • ​Access trainings, proven processes, resources, systems, templates...
  • ...And much, much more!

What's The Offer?

As an Exclusive Member of the 6-Figure Online Coach University you will have an 
“unfair advantage” as an up-and-coming master coach.

Every 6FoC Member will have access to what we call “The Big 3” when it comes 
to having what you need to achieve extraordinary as a Coach

The Big 3 - Courses, Community and Q&A Calls:

Unlock the full potential of the course and access content that has produced 
over a Million dollar in clients results

  • Build a 7-Figure Foundation. 
  • ​​Becoming a Productivity Machine.
  • ​Craft, Launch & Deliver a Viral Offer.
  • Execute a Proven Attraction Strategy.
  • ​Implement a Lead Generation System.
  • Generate Marketing That Converts.
  • Learn to Sell One-to-Many.
  • ​Master Strategic Growth.

- Alone you may go faster, but together we will get further -

  • Join a group of hungry entrepreneurs just like you.
  • ​​Surround yourself with people who actually have what you Want.
  • ​Get feedback from other experienced members.
  • ​Compete in our challenges and access a variety of different opportunities.

Live Monthly Q&A session with me 
Typically reserved ONLY for hight ticket paying clients!

  • Learn from REAL COACHES who are ACTUALLY making money in different niches (not just teaching business).
  • ​Sharpen your skills and learn how to get in front of your ideal clients and get qualifed leads on demand.
  • Define and fine-tune your strategy, identify & fix bottlenecks to become a sought-after coach.
  • ​Get “1:1 Hot Seat” opportunities to ask me in-depth questions.
  • ​​Delve deep into your performance and make real and tangible improvements to your game. 

And also, Workshops, Live Video Trainings, Masterclassess...and much, much more! 

Are You Ready To Untapped Your Potential And Create Life Changing Memories?  Then, Join The 6-Figure Online Coach University...

You are literally ONE step away from Kickstart your Lucrative Coaching Business

  • Discover practical strategies that can transform your skillset into a profitable, high-ticket coaching business.
  • Escape the Corporate shackles and become and in-demand coach with your existing skills.
  • This is the FASTEST way to build a lucrative coaching business and achieve financial & lifestyle freedom. 
  • Get all the TOOLS you need to turn your experience, hard-earned skills, and deep-seated passion into a money-making machine, allowing you to rake in hefty monthly profits while doing what you love.
  • Still on the fence? We've got dozens of success stories from folks just like you who took the plunge and are now living the dream… if they can do it, so can you.
  • This is more than just an University, it's your roadmap to a fulfilling life....See you on the winning side!
You have this opportunity right here, right now...
You arejust ONE step away from accessing a University rooted in the real-life experiences and proven strategies that have helped countless professionals just like you to not only quit their day jobs but to also establish and grow their own successful coaching businesses. 

People who have gone from feeling like faceless cogs in the
corporate machine...to celebrated and financially thriving coaching entrepreneurs.

I was once part of the ‘faceless cog’ crowd...and I also had to make a decission and face the truth - That if I wanted something to change, I had to change too. 

So decided to take control. I honed my skills as a coach, launched my venture, and nurtured it into a six-figure powerhouse - And the good news are that is replicable process that you can tailor to your unique skills and passions.

Because the only thing "I regret" today...is not having started earlier.

And if all that weren't enough...

Join now and secure one of the three exclusive, free 1-on-1 Battle Plan Sessions we give away each month, during which we'll craft a VIRAL Coaching Offer tailored just for you.

Don't miss out—act fast and transform your coaching business today!

"This is your chance to not just dream about a better life, but to actively
take the steps towards creating it"

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